New HSK level 789-3

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 3.

tǐ zhì体制structure; form/style of literary writing

tǐ wēn体温temperature

tǐ xì体系setup

tǐ néng体能physical strength

tǐ liàng体谅make allowances for

tǐ zhì体质constitution

tǐ tiē体贴show consideration for

tǐ miàn体面good-looking; creditable

tíng yè停业stop doing business temporarily; go out of business

tíng fàng停放place

tíng bó停泊anchor

tíng dùn停顿pause; pause

tōu lǎn偷懒loaf on the job

tōu kuī偷窥peep


tóng rén同人colleague

tóng huǒ同伙work in partnership; accomplice

tóng nián同年the same year; peer

tóng zhì同志comrade; gay

tóng gǎn同感have the same feeling/impression

tóng bù同步synchronize; keep step/pace with

tóng méng同盟form an alliance to take a joint action; league

tóng děng同等equal

tóng lèi同类be similar; people or things of the same kind or type

tóng zhōu gòng jì同舟共济cross a river in the same boat

tīng cóng听从comply with

tīng huà听话listen to; be obedient or docile

tián chōng填充fill up; fill in the blanks

tián xiě填写fill in

tián bǔ填补fill

tiān zhǔ jiào天主教Catholicism

tiān shǐ天使angel; envoy sent by the emperor or god

tiān fèn天分talent

tiān dì天地heaven and earth; field of activity

tiān píng天平balance

tiān xìng天性natural instincts

tiān qiáo天桥platform/overline/crossover bridge; bridge

tiān shēng天生inherent

tiān xiàn天线aerial

tiān jīng dì yì天经地义as unalterable principles

tiān fù天赋be endowed by nature; talent/gift

tiān cháng dì jiǔ天长地久enduring as the universe

tiān é天鹅swan

tóu hào头号number one; best

tóu tóu shì dào头头是道clear and logical

tóu dǐng头顶top or crown of the head

tiě zi帖子post; note

tiāo ti挑剔be fastidious

tiǎo xìn挑衅provoke

tǒngpoke; touch

tí xīn diào dǎn提心吊胆be on tenterhooks

tí zǎo提早be earlier than planned or expected

tí yì提议propose; proposal

tí sù提速increase the speed

tì huàn替换replace

tì shēn替身substitute; scapegoat

tiáo lì条例regulations

tiáo kuǎn条款provision

tiáo yuē条约treaty

tǒngtub; pailful

tiān jiā添加add

tián tou甜头pleasant flavour; benefit

tián měi甜美sweet; pleasant

tián mì甜蜜happy

tòngache; sadness

tòng xīn痛心grieved

jiǎnsimple; simplify

tǒng zhì统治rule; dominate

tǒng chóu统筹plan as a whole

tǒng tǒng统统all


tiáo kǎn调侃deride

tiáo kòng调控regulate and control

tiáo liào调料flavouring

tiáo shì调试have a trial run

tiē qiè贴切apt

tiē jìn贴近nestle up against; close

tiào sǎn跳伞parachute; jump

tiào dòng跳动move up and down

tiào cáo跳槽leave its own manger to eat at another; job-hop

tiào yuè跳跃jump

tōng sú通俗popular

tōng gào通告give public notice; public notice

tōng xiāo通宵the whole night

tōng chàng通畅clear; easy and smooth

tōng jī通缉order the arrest of a criminal at large

tōng xíng zhèng通行证pass

tōng chē通车be open to traffic; have transport service

tōng tōng通通all

tōng shùn通顺clear and coherent

tōng fēng通风well ventilated; ventilate


tíng diàn停电have a power failure; blackout

tōu kàn偷看steal a glance

tóu tiáo头条the first article at the top of the newspaper page; the first of several adjacent alleys and lanes

tōng wǎng通往lead to

tóu bù头部cephalosome; people in the top position

tiǎo qǐ挑起instigate

tíng chē wèi停车位parking space

tóng tǐ同体homobody