
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.come up

    • yǐ jīng yóu le bàn tiān le kuài shàng lái xiē huì ba


      You've been swimming for a long time now. Come out and have a rest.

    • zhè shān tài gāo le wǒ pá le liǎng gè duō xiǎo shí cái shàng lái


      This mountain is too high. It took me more than two hours to come to the top.

    • tā zài lóu xià kàn shū bàn tiān méi shàng lái


      He had been reading a book downstairs and didn't come upstairs for quite a while.

  • 2

    v.come up to a place or state regarded as higher or above

    • tā gāng cóng jī céng shàng lái


      He's just come from a grass-roots unit.

    • zhè xiē gàn bù gāng cóng jī céng shàng lái


      These cadres have just come from grass-roots units.

    • shū jì jué dìng bǎ tā cóng jī céng tí bá shàng lái


      The secretary decided to promote him from the grassroots.

  • 3

    v.begin; start; get started

    • shàng lái gàn huó ba


      Let's start working.

    • tā yī shàng lái jiù yǒu jìn


      He gets very energetic at the beginning.

    • shàng lái xiān shǎo shuō huà


      Don't talk too much at the beginning.

  • 4

    v.fmlsummarize; sum up (the aforesaid); sum up what has been said in the foregoing

    • shàng lái shuō wǒ tóng yì tā de guān diǎn


      From all these has been said, I give my consent to his view.

Word usage

  • Note
    When "过来" is used as a complement after a verb, "来" is usually read in the neutral tone. But in the format "verb + not + 上来" "没 + verb + 上来", "来" is still read in its original tone.
  • "上" and "来" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • ?

      Can you come up? Shall I give you a hand?

    • 有点儿

      The slope is a little steep. The car can’t come up.