Common separable words HSK 6

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 6.

xià jìn下劲exert oneself

chuàn xì串戏act in a play; act, especially of an amateur actor playing a part in a professional performance

chuàn qì串气keep one another informed; feel Qi circulating in the body and causing pain

chuàn yān串烟tainted with the smell of smoke from burning firewood in a traditional Chinese cooking stove; wispy smoke

chōng zhàng冲账strike a balance; reverse an entry

chū fú出伏come to the end of the dog/hottest days of the year

chū tú出徒complete one's apprenticeship

gōu liǎn勾脸print the face

yǎ chǎng哑场an awkward silence at a meeting

tā xīn塌心settle down

tā jià塌架collapse; topple

dìng xián定弦tune; make up one's mind

qiè zhèn怯阵be battle-shy

dǎ lèng打愣be in a daze

bàn xì扮戏put on makeup; perform on stage

zhǎo zhé找辙find an excuse/pretext; find a solution

kàng juān抗捐refuse to pay levies and taxes

dǐ shì抵事serve the purpose

dǐ shù抵数make up the number

dǐ zhàng抵账repay a debt with goods, articles or labour of equivalent value

mǒ líng抹零cross out the fraction

lǒng àn拢岸come alongside the shore

lāo běn捞本recoup oneself

pěng jué捧角highly praise an actor

diào chèng掉秤lose weight

zhǎng zào掌灶be the chef

tāo dǐ掏底try to find out the real intention or situation; tell the whole story and all the details

tàn fēng探风fish for information

dā xiàn搭线make contact; act as a matchmaker

mō shào摸哨surprise/attack enemy sentinels in the dark

chè chāi撤差dismiss/discharge somebody from his official post

chè fáng撤防withdraw a garrison

gǎi zhé改辙adopt a new approach/method

duàn dùn断顿can't afford the next meal

kuàng zhí旷职be absent from duty without leave or good reason

xiē wō歇窝stop laying eggs in winter or in summer

xiè jìn泄劲lose heart

zhà wō炸窝scamper; be in disarray

zhà qún炸群flee in terror

xiàn qí献旗present a banner

jiān chǎng监场invigilate

lí zhé离辙digress

wō qì窝气feel injured and resentful

bà jiào罢教strike

bà bǐ罢笔finish/stop writing

bà zhí罢职dismiss

lián zōng联宗clan made up of people with the same surname but who were not originally related

tuō sè脱涩take away/remove the puckery taste

yào huǎng要谎ask a fantastic price

lài hūn赖婚repudiate a marriage contract

chì bèi赤背be stripped to the waist

cí zào辞灶send off the kitchen god to Heaven

nào fáng闹房poke fun at newly-weds on their wedding night

nào jià闹架quarrel and fight

nào qì闹气fall out with somebody

nào zāi闹灾encounter/experience catastrophe

nào huāng闹荒mount a riot in which they reject taxes and raid the rich and the powerful; The occurrence of a serious shortage

nào zéi闹贼burglarize

lòu miáo露苗emerge

dǐng gàng顶杠argue for the sake of arguing

jià yuán驾辕be hitched up

diū huāng丢荒leave uncultivated

chōng cí充磁magnetize

gē qī割漆tap a lacquer tree

jié yíng劫营raid the enemy camp

dǎ gǎo打稿work out a draft

mǒ cǎi抹彩facial makeup

jiē guō揭锅open the lid

chè gǎng撤岗withdraw the sentry/guard

zhǎng qián涨钱rise; get a pay raise/rise

jié yuān结冤contract animus, enmity, hatred, etc.

píng xīn评薪fix a person's grade on the wage scale according to his qualifications and performance

lài xué赖学play truant

diàn xì垫戏fill-in performance

zòu běn奏本present a memorial to an emperor

pāo liǎn抛脸lose face

tàn xìn探信fish/probe for information

pài chāi派差send somebody on a task or an errand

lòu dōu漏兜spill the beans

lí guǐ离轨disorbit; go astray

shuǎ pō耍泼act unreasonably

shí cái蚀财lose money/property/wealth

pǎo pō跑坡slip down a slope

nào zhàng闹仗come to blows

diàn chǎng垫场act as an understudy

dǐng xiōng顶凶be made a scapegoat for a murderer

fú jìn服劲surrender

lǒng zhàng拢账settle accounts

nào zuǐ闹嘴quarrel

shī lún失伦lose the normal principle of family life

shuǎ guǐ耍鬼play tricks

xià shào下哨be off sentry duty

zāo shì遭事meet with a mishap