Common separable words HSK 6

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 6.

shàng jìn上劲energetically

shàng fén上坟visit a grave to honour the memory of the dead

shàng cháo上朝have an audience with the monarch; hold court

xià shui下水offal

xià yù下狱imprison

xià zàng下葬bury a coffin containing the remains of a dead person

xià yě下野retire from the political arena

sàng qi丧气be unlucky

chuàn xíng串行serial batch system; drive or walk not in accordance with the prescribed traffic lines

jiè zhài借债borrow money

tíng kān停刊stop publication

mào jiān冒尖be piled high above the brim; be a little over

xiè rèn卸任be relieved of one's office

xiè chē卸车unload a vehicle; unleash animals pulling the carte

fā hūn发昏faint; lose one's head

fā hěn发狠make a determined effort; be enraged

tǔ kǒu吐口make a demand; say in approval

pēn qī喷漆spray paint; spray paint

huí lú回炉melt down; bake again

duó biāo夺标capture a prize; have one's tender accepted

wán gǎo完稿finish a piece of writing

dìng gǎo定稿finalize a manuscript, text, etc.; final version or text

jìn zhōng尽忠be loyal to; lay down/sacrifice one's life

kāi ēn开恩bestow/grant favors

kāi qiāng开腔begin to speak

huái tāi怀胎conceive

zhā yíng扎营camp

zhā zhēn扎针give an acupuncture treatment

dǎ chà打岔interrupt

bǎ mài把脉take/feel somebody's pulse; advise

tái gàng抬杠wrangle; carry a coffin on stout poles

dǐ zhài抵债pay a debt in kind or by labor

bá gāo拔高raise; deliberately boost

zhāo hún招魂call back the spirit of the dead; advocate for reviving the old things that have perished

bài táng拜堂perform the marriage ceremony in which they pay homage to heaven and earth and to the groom's parents

dǎo guǐ捣鬼play tricks

tàn lù探路explore/find the way

jiǎo dòng搅动mix; disturb

jiǎo jú搅局spoil a plan

dā tái搭台construct/build a stage; facilitate

dā qiāng搭腔respond; [usually used in the negative] be on speaking terms

dā huà搭话answer; send word

bǎi kuò摆阔be ostentatious and extravagant

tān pái摊牌lay/put one's cards on the table; have a showdown

sā pō撒泼have/throw a tantrum

sā tuǐ撒腿take to one's heels

fàng shào放哨be on patrol

sǎn jià散架fall apart; dissolve

sōng jìn松劲slacken

rǎn bìng染病be infected with a disease

huǐ yuē毁约break one's promise; annul a contract

zhì zuì治罪bring somebody to justice for a crime

zhān biān沾边touch upon; be relevant

xiè fèn泄愤give vent to one's resentment

pào zǎo泡澡take a soaking bath

liàn jiāo炼焦coke

fàn shǎ犯傻play the fool; blunder

fàn chóu犯愁be anxious

fàn bìng犯病have a relapse; revert to a bad habit/behaviour

fàn nán犯难be in a dilemma

cāi mí猜谜guess/solve a riddle; guess

yòng jìn用劲put forth one’s strength

jiān gōng监工supervise work; supervisor

pán xī盘膝cross one's legs

zháo mó着魔bewitched; fascinated

wō huǒ窝火restrain anger

lì shì立誓vow

jiū piān纠偏correct an error

jiǎo xiè缴械disarm; surrender one's weapons

féi tián肥田fertile field; fatten the soil

tuō lì脱粒threshing

tuō guǐ脱轨derail; go off track

luò nàn落难be in distress

xíng qiè行窃steal

jiě chán解馋satisfy a craving for good food

qǐng zuì请罪apologize

xiè ēn谢恩express gratitude for a favour

tān cái贪财be greedy for money

dǔ qián赌钱gamble

péi zuì赔罪make an apology

yuè guǐ越轨exceed the bounds

qiān dū迁都move the capital to another place

nì shuǐ逆水go against the stream

nì fēng逆风adverse/converse/contrary/unfavorable wind; go against the wind

zāo zuì遭罪have a hard time

zhē xiū遮羞cover one's private parts; cover up one's embarrassment

bì xián避嫌avoid suspicion

nào guǐ闹鬼be haunted; use underhand means

lòu tóu露头show one's head; emerge

lù yíng露营camp; camp like an army unit

yàn shī验尸carry out an autopsy

kāi píng开屏display its fine tail feathers

gēng tián耕田cultivate; farming

dǐ yòng抵用same as 抵事

chì shǒu赤手bare-handed

zāo bào遭报suffer a retribution

huà quān画圈draw a circle

mèn tóu闷头keep/get one's head down

qiā jià掐架have a fight

shěn àn审案hold a trial