Common separable words HSK 6

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 6.

shàng xíng上刑put somebody to torture

shàng xián上弦first quarter; wind up a clock or watch

shàng táng上膛load a gun; palate

sàng dǎn丧胆be terror-stricken

zhàng shì仗势rely on one's power

xiū xiān修仙cultivate oneself to attain immortality/divinity

còu shù凑数make complete; serve as a makeweight

còu qián凑钱club together

chū bǎng出榜publish a list of the successful candidates or examinees; put up a public notice written on a large piece of paper

pàn zuì判罪convict

gē dì割地cede territory

jié yù劫狱break into a jail and rescue a prisoner

huà yuán化缘beg alms

wò guǐ卧轨lie on the rails

shòu qū受屈suffer an injustice

jiào qū叫屈protest an injustice

hán yuān含冤wronged

hán nù含怒be in anger

gào ráo告饶ask pardon

yàn qì咽气die

zuò zhuāng坐庄be a resident buyer of a business firm; be the banker or dealer

diàn quān垫圈washer

diàn bèi垫背be somebody's scapegoat; someone who holds another person falling from a higher place

fù kān复刊resume publication

zòu yuè奏乐play music

chà qì岔气feel a pain in the chest when breathing

kāi táng开膛cut open the chest

nòng quán弄权abuse power

jì kǒu忌口be on a diet

dài gōng怠工go slow

qiè chǎng怯场have stage fright

huǐ zuì悔罪show repentance

pū kōng扑空fail to find a person where he is supposed to be

dǎ jiān打尖make a brief stop for refreshment; remove the top

dǎ gēng打更sound the night watches

dǎ tāi打胎have an abortion

chě huǎng扯谎tell a lie

tóu dàn投弹drop a bomb; throw a hand grenade

kàng shuì抗税refuse to pay taxes

qiǎng qīn抢亲a marriage ceremony in which the bridegroom pretends to kidnap his bride; grab a woman from her home to be one's wife with others' help

bàn zuǐ拌嘴quarrel

zhāo xiáng招降summon somebody to surrender

shòu xián授衔confer a title or military rank

tàn jiā探家go home to join one's family

tàn jiān探监visit a prisoner

tàn kuàng探矿go prospecting

jiē duǎn揭短expose someone's shortcomings

cuō zǎo搓澡scrub and wash

dā huǒ搭伙join as a partner; eat regularly

pān qīn攀亲claim kinship; arrange a match

kuàng gōng旷工be absent from work

jìn zhí晋职be promoted to a higher post

zhān qīn沾亲be somewhat related

xiè hèn泄恨same as 泄愤

fàn shì犯事break the rules; get caught doing bad things

fàn jì犯忌violate a taboo

fàn àn犯案be found out and brought to justice

fàn jìn犯禁break prohibition

shēn yuān申冤redress an injustice; appeal for justice

dīng shāo盯梢shadow somebody

zá guō砸锅fail

zǔ gǎo组稿solicit contributions

jié chóu结仇become enemies

xù xián续弦remarry after the death of one's wife; a second wife

chán zú缠足bind a woman's feet

bà guān罢官dismiss from office

bà shì罢市strike

bà kè罢课strike

tuō máng脱盲become literate

tuō gǎo脱稿be completed

méng yuān蒙冤suffer an injustice

jiě cháo解嘲try to explain things away when ridiculed

tǎo ráo讨饶pardon

ràng xián让贤relinquish one's post to make way for a more qualified person

pǔ qǔ谱曲put something to music; compose a song

lài zhàng赖账repudiate a debt; go back on one's word

diē jià跌价dip/decline/fall in price; price drop/fall

gēn tiě跟帖follow up a post; follow-up post

guò táng过堂be tried

guò chèng过秤take the weight of

táo zhài逃债evade paying one's debt

táo huāng逃荒flee from famine

tōng qiào通窍understand things

zāo jié遭劫meet with a catastrophe/disaster

zhē chǒu遮丑cover up one's defect

chú gēn除根dig up the roots; cure once and for all

lòu dǐ露底let out a secret

zhù fáng驻防be on garrison duty

míng yuān鸣冤complain of unfairness

dǎ là打蜡wax

tàn shēn探身lean forward

chǎng kǒu敞口exposure

zhǎng shuǐ涨水rise

shè gǎng设岗place/post a sentry; create a post

zāo zāi遭灾be hit by a natural calamity

fā xīn发薪pay a salary

fèng zhǐ奉旨be at the emperor's order

jié dào截道rob on a highway

hùn fàn混饭earn one's keep without doing much work; live off others

guò jìn过劲overdo