上弦first quarter; wind up a clock or watch
修仙cultivate oneself to attain immortality/divinity
凑数make complete; serve as a makeweight
劫狱break into a jail and rescue a prisoner
坐庄be a resident buyer of a business firm; be the banker or dealer
垫背be somebody's scapegoat; someone who holds another person falling from a higher place
岔气feel a pain in the chest when breathing
扑空fail to find a person where he is supposed to be
打尖make a brief stop for refreshment; remove the top
投弹drop a bomb; throw a hand grenade
招降summon somebody to surrender
授衔confer a title or military rank
探家go home to join one's family
揭短expose someone's shortcomings
搭伙join as a partner; eat regularly
攀亲claim kinship; arrange a match
晋职be promoted to a higher post
犯事break the rules; get caught doing bad things
犯案be found out and brought to justice
申冤redress an injustice; appeal for justice
续弦remarry after the death of one's wife; a second wife
解嘲try to explain things away when ridiculed
让贤relinquish one's post to make way for a more qualified person
谱曲put something to music; compose a song
赖账repudiate a debt; go back on one's word
跌价dip/decline/fall in price; price drop/fall
跟帖follow up a post; follow-up post
遭劫meet with a catastrophe/disaster
除根dig up the roots; cure once and for all
设岗place/post a sentry; create a post
遭灾be hit by a natural calamity