SSC Intermediate

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Short-term Spoken Chinese Intermediate.

yī wèi一味purely

yī wú shì chù一无是处devoid of any merit

yī jiàn zhōng qíng一见钟情fall in love at first sight/glance

xià rén下人servant; child or grandchild

chǎn yè产业estate; industry

pú rén仆人servant

yǐ biàn以便in order to

chuán sòng传诵go the rounds: be widely read/told

wěi zhuāng伪装feign; mask

hé kǔ何苦why bother

jiàn quán健全sound; regular

nèi wù内务internal affairs; daily routine of sanitation tasks

diāo mín刁民unruly people

qián tí前提premise; prerequisite

dān chún单纯simple; only

fā dòng发动launch; mobilize

cháo xiào嘲笑ridicule

chǔ fá处罚punish

dà zhì大致chiefly; about

qì yuē契约contract

shē wàng奢望extravagant hopes; attach an extravagant hope to

wēi xié威胁threaten

wán shàn完善perfect; make perfect

shí shī实施implement

jiā yù hù xiǎo家喻户晓known to all

fēng bì封闭seal; close down

xiǎo shì小视look down upon

céng cì层次rank; subordinate administrative levels

páng dà庞大massive

zuò tán座谈have an informal discussion

dài gōng怠工go slow

ě xin恶心feel like vomiting; disgust

yì wèi意味meaning; interest

yì shí意识consciousness; realize

jié rán截然completely

tóu rù投入put/throw/go into; concentrate on

jū jǐn拘谨overcautious

sǔn hài损害do harm to

jiē nà接纳admit; accept

tuī dòng推动promote

xié dài携带carry; guide and support

liàoput down; discard

zhī fù支付defray

chǎng kāi敞开open wide; put no limit on

gǎn qing敢情why; of course

jìngrespect; offer politely

duàn jué断绝sever

chá huò查获investigate and capture

gēn chú根除eradicate

kuǎn dài款待treat cordially

zhèng lù正路correct path

qì zhì气质temperament; qualities

xiāo jí消极negative; inactive

xiāo miè消灭perish; annihilate

shēn wù tòng jué深恶痛绝detest

wēn qíng温情tender feelings

mǎn zú满足contented; satisfy

qián yì shí潜意识subconsciousness

xiàn shēn shuō fǎ现身说法make a personal example as an effective means of convincing others

jiān jìn监禁take into custody

xiāng yìng相应corresponding

shuò dà wú péng硕大无朋gigantic

què lì确立establish

mó hé磨合break/grind/wear in; learn to get along

lì chǎng立场position; political stance

fú hào符号symbol; insignia

pǒ luo笸箩shallow basket

suǒ péi索赔claim for damages

chún pǔ纯朴honest

chún cuì纯粹unadulterated; sheerly

xì bāo细胞cell

jīng yíng经营manage; plan and organize

bèi jǐng背景stage setting; background to a picture or photograph that sets off the main subject

liáng xīn良心conscience

mò míng qí miào莫名其妙inexplicable

xū wěi虚伪hypocritical

guī ju规矩custom; well-disciplined

rèn kě认可approve

tān bēi贪杯like to drink too much

péi cháng赔偿pay for; compensation

yíng lì赢利make a profit

gǎn jìn shā jué赶尽杀绝drive away and exterminate everyone

qǐ mǎ起码minimum; at least

tòupass/seep/ooze/osmose through; tell secretly

tòu zhī透支overdraw; overspend

tōng xiāo通宵the whole night

yù mèn郁闷gloomy

jīn é金额amount of money

jiàn dìng鉴定identify; appraisal

zuān kòng zi钻空子exploit an advantage

nán néng kě guì难能可贵highly commendable

gù yōng雇佣engage

lǐng yù领域territory; field

gāo shàng高尚lofty; cultivated

jiǎ mào wěi liè假冒伪劣fake and of poor quality

rú yuàn yǐ cháng如愿以偿have one's wish fulfilled

chéng yǐn成瘾become/be addicted

sù bù xiāng shí素不相识be strangers to each other

duō zī duō cǎi多姿多彩very charming and colourful

róng rù融入integrate into