Yu Wen Grade 8(A)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 8(A).

qiū hè丘壑hill and gully; profound meaning in literary works

yā zhī丫枝branch

zhǔ zǎi主宰dominate; force that controls and governs the destiny of mankind or the development things

zhàat first; suddenly

jiāo tóu jiē ěr交头接耳speak in each other's ears

wěi àn伟岸stalwart; good temperament

yī bàng依傍depend on; model oneself on

qīn lüè侵略invade

dào xuán倒悬be hung by the feet; be in difficult straits

jué jiàng倔强stubborn

juàn dài倦怠sluggish

ào rán傲然proud

xìng wèi兴味interest

rǒngsuperfluous; full of trivial details

diāo xiè凋谢fade; pass away

bēi wēi卑微petty and low

gǔ pǔ古朴simple and primitive

yāo he吆喝cry out; peddle

xuān xiāo喧嚣clamourous; make a clamour

yīn dì zhì yí因地制宜suit measures to local conditions

pó suō婆娑circling and dancing; whirling

wǎn rán宛然be alike; as if

mì zā zā密匝匝thick

xún mì寻觅look for

lín xún嶙峋bony; unyielding

xù mù序幕prologue; prologue

kāi kěn开垦bring under cultivation

è liè恶劣abominable

qíng wèi情味sentiment; interest

wéi miào wéi xiào惟妙惟肖remarkably true to life

lǎn yáng yáng懒洋洋languid

zhé zhòu折皱wrinkle

tuī chóng推崇praise highly

zhēn zhuó斟酌consider

wú dòng yú zhōng无动于衷aloof and indifferent

míng yàn明艳bright and beautiful

xīng chén星辰star

yìng chèn映衬set off; antithesis

mù nián暮年old age

bào shài暴晒be exposed to strong sunlight

gé diào格调style; moral character/quality

qiáo dūn桥墩pier

tánwingceltis; alms

huān yú欢愉delighted

cán sǔn残损damaged

xǐ dí洗涤clean; purify

xiāo shì消逝vanish

shēn yuān深渊abyss

bīn lín濒临be close to

niú dú牛犊calf

dú yī wú èr独一无二unique

suǒ xiè琐屑trivial

bǎi zhé bù náo百折不挠be undaunted by repeated setbacks


lí ba篱笆bamboo/twig fence

fán zhí繁殖breed

xiān wéi纤维fiber

juànthin tough silk

hàn lín翰林member of the Imperial Academy

lián jié联结connect

bā jiāo芭蕉plantain

róng máo茸毛fuzz

màn yán蔓延trail

qiáng wēi蔷薇rose

jì zǎi记载put down in writing; record

bài bǐ败笔a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting; a faulty expression or flaw in writing

tiào zao跳蚤flea

chē zhé车辙rut

roll/run over; squeeze out

bì xié辟邪ward off evil spirits

è zhì遏制keep within limits

bǐ shì鄙视despise

chóng luán dié zhàng重峦叠嶂undulating mountains

fáng yù防御guard against

suì dào隧道tunnel

léi tóng雷同echo with thunders; be duplicate

gù jì顾忌scruple

tuí táng颓唐dejected; declining

tí bá题跋preface and postscript

tuócarry/bear on the back


nián tǔ黏土clay

páng yì xié chū旁逸斜出grow out from the side irregularly

qián zī àn zhǎng潜滋暗长grow and develop imperceptibly

qiú zhī虬枝the curled branch of tree

bù huái hǎo yì不怀好意be malevolent/malicious

xiù qí秀颀beautiful and tall

zì chū xīn cái自出心裁make a new departure

lián mián bù duàn连绵不断incessantly

diāo lòu雕镂chasing

miào shǒu ǒu dé妙手偶得get something by chance with a highly skill

yān yān yù shuì恹恹欲睡sleepy

chù mù shāng huái触目伤怀sorrowful

fǔ yǎng shēng zī俯仰生姿pitching posture

qiǎo miào jué lún巧妙绝伦ingenious

tái hén苔痕moss mark

tǎn dàng rú dǐ坦荡如砥magnanimous

xiān yú鲜腴fresh and plump

xióng kuà雄跨stride majestically

zhāng mù jié shé张目结舌be struck dumb with fear