Yu Wen Grade 9(A)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 9(A).

bù gōng zì pò不攻自破collapse of itself

bù xǐng rén shì不省人事lose consciousness; know little of life

bù yán ér yù不言而喻as a matter of course

yǔ rì jù zēng与日俱增be steadily on the increase

zhòng shāng中伤slander

guāi qiǎo乖巧lovely; clever

zuò yī作揖make a slight bow with hands folded in front

jiǎo xìng侥幸by a fluke

tíng zhì停滞stagnate

ào màn傲慢arrogant

xiōng xiǎn凶险perilous; treacherous

fēn xiǎo分晓outcome; see or understand clearly

chuàng yì创意bring forth a new idea; original thinking and concept

bié shù别墅villa

qián pū hòu jì前仆后继no sooner has one fallen than another steps into the breach

gòu dàng勾当evil business

shí ná jiǔ wěn十拿九稳practically certain

yā zhà压榨press; bleed white

fā zhèng发怔be stupefied

chēnbe angry; be annoyed

shī lǐ失礼commit a breach of etiquette; excuse me for my impropriety, lack of manners, etc.

nǚ xu女婿son-in-law; husband

rú léi guàn ěr如雷贯耳like a thunderclap piercing the ear

xī nào嬉闹laugh and frolic

jiā dǐ家底family property accumulated over a long time

shān qióng shuǐ jìn山穷水尽reach the end of the road

chà qì岔气feel a pain in the chest when breathing

gān xì干系implication

xīn qiào心窍capacity for clear thinking/thought

gōng wéi恭维flatter

nuò fū懦夫coward

zhé kòu折扣discount

kōudig or dig out with a finger or s something; carve

bài yè拜谒pay a formal visit; pay one's respects

chí zhī yǐ héng持之以恒persist

tàn qiú探求pursue

chān zá掺杂jumble up; doped


cuī cán摧残destroy

liáo dòu撩逗provoke

xīng xiù星宿constellation

gēn shēn dì gù根深蒂固deep-rooted

sāng zǐ桑梓homeland

xiē xi歇息rest; put up for the night

xiē sī dǐ lǐ歇斯底里hysteria; hysterical

liú sú流俗current fashion

wēn shùn温顺docile

miǎo máng渺茫distant and indistinct; uncertain

guàn gài灌溉irrigate

chuī yān炊烟smoke from cooking

shà bái煞白deathly pale

xuán xū玄虚mystery; mysterious

huà lóng diǎn jīng画龙点睛bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes

shū lǎn疏懒indolent

pán chan盘缠travelling expenses

máng cóng盲从follow like sheep

kōng kuàng空旷spacious

duān xiáng端详details; dignified and serene

dān shí hú jiāng箪食壶浆welcome troops with food and drinks

zhì zhī bù lǐ置之不理disregard

guō zào聒噪grate on one's ears

tiǎnsumptuous; protrude

zì bào zì qì自暴自弃resign oneself to failure

zì qī qī rén自欺欺人deceive oneself as well as others

chástubble; crop

xū wàng虚妄unfounded

lán lǚ褴褛shabby

jiàn jiào见教favour me with your advice

shì chá视察inspect; observe

kuāng piàn诓骗deceive

tiáo tíng调停mediate

huàn yǎng豢养feed; buy over and make use of

zǒu tóu wú lù走投无路come to a dead end

qīng xìn轻信credulous

qīng ér yì jǔ轻而易举be as easy as rolling off a log

chěng néng逞能show off/display one's skill or ability

dùn cí遁词pretext

zhèng zhòng qí shì郑重其事seriously

chóng dié重叠overlapping; repeat

lián dāo镰刀sickle

kuò chuò阔绰extravagant

dùn kāi máo sè顿开茅塞suddenly to see the light

diān dǎo颠倒turn upside down; be confused

qū chú驱除get rid of

lǔ dùn鲁钝stupid

má zuì麻醉anaesthetize; corrupt

bù yóu fēn shuō不由分说brook no explanation

shě shēn qiú fǎ舍身求法brave death to seek the truth

xíng zhī yǒu xiào行之有效come into effect

mì shí觅食forage for food

mái tóu kǔ gàn埋头苦干immerse oneself in hard work

zī zī bù juàn孜孜不倦assiduously

kuì nǎn愧赧blush with shame

bǐ jiàn鄙贱low; despise

bù zú wéi jù不足为据can’t be taken as evidence/as a basis

sī xián rú kě思贤如渴thirst for talented people

huái gǔ shāng jīn怀古伤今meditate on the past and feel sad about the present

jīng shì qí cái经世奇才a great ability to rule the country

mò shǒu墨守stick to established practices

yuàn chàng怨怅complain