
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.pace; step; march; tempo

    • wǒ men yīng gāi nǔ lì gēn shàng shí dài de bù fá


      We should try to keep pace with the times

    • tā hé wǒ men dà jiā bù fá bù dà xié tiáo


      She's out of step with the rest of us.

    • rèn hé kùn nan dōu zǔ dǎng bù liǎo wǒ men qián jìn de bù fá


      No difficulty can stop us from moving forward!

  • 2

    n.metapace (referring to the speed of the on-going affairs)

    • biàn gé de bù fá yǐ jīng kāi shǐ jiā kuài le


      The pace of change has begun to accelerate.

    • yào jiā kuài wǒ shěng jiāo tōng néng yuán nóng yè de jiàn shè bù fá


      We should speed up the construction of transportation, energy and agriculture in our province.

    • guó jiā yào jiā kuài jīng jì jiàn shè de bù fá


      The state should speed up the pace of economic construction.