chā jiǎo

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.step inside; have a foot-hold in

    • dà lǐ táng hěn yōng jǐ wǒ wú fǎ chā jiǎo


      The auditorium is very crowded that I cannot step inside.

    • qǐng shāo zhàn guò qù diǎn ràng wǒ chā jiǎo yī xià


      Please step aside a little to make room for me.

    • méi dì fang chā jiǎo


      no space to stand

  • 2

    v.metatake part in

    • nǐ zuì hǎo bié chā jiǎo


      You'd better not butt in.

    • zhè zhǒng shì nǐ hé bì qù chā jiǎo


      There is no need for you to get involved.

  • 3

    n.base pin; limb

    • diàn xiàn lián jiē zài chā tóu de yī gè chā jiǎo shang


      The wire was attached to a pin in the plug.

    • chā jiǎo yě chēng guǎn jiǎo


      A pin is also called a base pin.

Word usage

  • "插" and "脚" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 简直

      There are so many people in the room that I can't step inside.

    • 从来没有

      He has never meddled in this matter.

    • 了解何必进去

      You are not familiar with it. Why do you meddle in it?

Chinese words with pinyin cha jiao