chā yāng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.transplant rice seedlings or shoots; rice transplanting

    • xiǎo shí hòu wǒ zhù zài xiāng xia lǎo lao jiā měi dào gàn nóng huó shí dū huì bāng máng chā yāng


      When I was young, I lived in my grandmother's house in the country, and I helped plant rice seedlings whenever I was working on the farm.

Word usage

  • "插" and "秧" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 100 rice seedlings need to be planted in a row.

    • 已经

      The field has been planted with rice seedlings.

    • 我们正在突然

      We were planting rice seedlings in the field when it began to rain.