cháng kōng

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.vast sky

    • yīng jī cháng kōng yú xiáng qiǎn dǐ


      Eagles cleaved the sky and the fish is swimming in shallow water.

    • bào zhà bān de hōng míng shēng huá pò cháng kōng


      The roar of the explosion rent the skies.

    • cháng kōng wàn lǐ


      the vast expanse of the sky

    • wèi bīng de kǒu shào shēng huá pò cháng kōng


      The tone of the guards' whistles rent the air.

    • nǎo hǎi zhōng fú xiàn yún cai lüè guò cháng kōng de huà miàn


      In my mind is a picture of clouds scudding across the sky.

    • yī gè nǚ ren qī lì de jiān jiào shēng huá pò cháng kōng


      A piercing cry of a female arose in the air in a prolonged shriek.

Chinese words with pinyin chang kong