chū tái

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.come up on the stage; (of an actor or actress) appear on stage

    • tā suì jiù kāi shǐ chū tái yǎn chū


      She went on the stage at 15.

  • 2

    v.appear publicly; make a public appearance; do something in public

  • 3

    v.metaunveil; publish or implement (a policy, measure, etc.); come out; come into force

    • chū tái fāng àn


      introduce plan

    • chū tái yī xiē fǎ lǜ fǎ guī


      introduce some laws and regulations

Word usage

  • "出" and "台" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 主要演员已经

      The main actors have appeared on the stage.

    • 合理政策不了

      Unreasonable policies will not be publicized.