
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.bale; pack; parcel (something) up

    • bié dān xīn bān yùn gōng huì bǎ měi yàng dōng xi dōu dǎ bāo de


      Don't worry. The removal men will pack everything up.

    • zhè ge cài qǐng dǎ bāo


      Please pack the dish in a doggie bag.

    • wǒ gāi dǎ bāo shàng lù le


      I should pack for the trip.

  • 2


    • xīn diàn nǎo xiān fàng zhe yòng de shí hou zài dǎ bāo


      Store the new computer first and pack it up when you use it.

  • 3

    v.put the leftovers in a doggy/doggie bag

    • bǎ yī bàn shí wù dǎ bāo


      put half of the meal in a doggie bag

Word usage

  • "打" and "包" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们

      We have finished packing the goods.

    • 礼物已经

      The gift has been well-wrapped.

    • 行李已经准备接受检查

      The luggage has been packed for inspection.