
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1; college; institutions of higher learning/education

    • dà xué zài hé de zuǒ àn


      The university is on the left bank of the river.

    • tā duì zì jǐ de dà xué shí dài chōng mǎn le huái niàn zhī qíng


      She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days.

    • wǒ dà xué bì yè hòu zài wài lǚ xíng le liù gè yuè


      When I finished college, I went traveling for six months.

  • 2

    n.The Great Learning

Word usage

  • "大学" is often matched with measure word "所"or"座"or"个".
    • 大学

      one university

    • 大学

      one university

    • 大学

      one university

Chinese words with pinyin da xue