
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.exhort; urge again and again; warn; repeatedly advise

    • lǎo shī dīng zhǔ tā zài xīn huán jìng li yào jì xù nǔ lì


      His teacher urged him to continue with his efforts in the new place.

    • tā céng bèi dīng zhǔ bù yào hé rèn hé rén jiǎng zhè shì


      He had been warned not to tell anyone about it.

    • mǔ qīn zài sān dīng zhǔ wǒ yào zhào gù hǎo zì jǐ


      Mother kept reminding me of looking after myself well.

    • fù qīn zài sān dīng zhǔ wǒ men zuò shì yào qiān xū jǐn shèn


      Father urged us again and again to be modest and prudent.

    • lǎo shī dīng zhǔ xué shēng men kè kǔ xué xí


      The teacher urged the students to be diligent.

    • zài sān dīng zhǔ


      advise repeatedly

    • wǒ men céng bèi fǎn fù dīng zhǔ qiān wàn bù yào gēn mò shēng rén shuō huà


      We had it drummed into us that we should never talk to strangers.

Word usage

  • Note
    "叮嘱" is different from "叮咛". "叮咛" indicates this action has been repeated many times, and it can be used between peers; "叮嘱" indicates the seriousness in words and attitude, and is mostly used for elders to juniors or superiors to subordinates.