
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.lose face; be disgraced

    • wǒ zhè bèi zi cóng wèi gǎn dào rú cǐ diū rén


      I've never felt so humiliated in all my life.

    • wèi le bù diū rén méi yǒu bǎ zhè yī chǒu wén zhāng yáng chū qu


      The scandal was hushed up in an effort to save face.

    • pín qióng bìng méi yǒu shén me kě diū rén de


      There's no disgrace in being poor.

    • jué de diū rén


      feel embarrassed

Word usage

  • "丢" and "人" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 从来没有这么

      I've never been that disgraced.

    • 大家

      She lost face and was ashamed to face everyone.

    • 东西当场

      He was caught red-handed when he was stealing, completely losing his face!