fān àn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.reverse or overturn a verdict; reverse a charge/sentence

    • nào fān àn


      try to overturn a charge

    • xǔ duō àn zi fān àn le


      Many cases were overturned.

  • 2

    v.(in a broad sense) overturn the original punishment, conclusion or comment, etc.

    • yī piān fān àn wén zhāng


      an article which comes up with a radically different opinion from the dominant views on a historical incident or figure

    • tì lì shǐ rén wù fān àn


      restore the reputation of a historical figure

    • wèi tā fān àn


      reverse the case for him

Word usage

  • "翻" and "案" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 证据不足不了

      The evidence is insufficient to reverse the case.

    • 判决现在

      His verdict has been reversed now.

    • 法院判决

      The municipal court's judgement has never been reversed