
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.atmosphere; general mood; mores

    • wǒ men yào cù jìn zhěng gè shè huì fēng qì de gǎi biàn


      We should help to change the general mood of society.

    • nǐ yào xué zhe shì yìng dāng shí fēng qì


      You should suit the mood of the times.

    • dāng shí dú shū fēng qì hěn shèng


      Study became rife that time.

    • wǒ men yào xué zhe yǎng chéng qín jiǎn jié yuē de hǎo fēng qì


      We should learn to cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.

    • dǐ zhì bù liáng fēng qì


      resist malpractice

    • nà shì yī suǒ jiào huì xué xiào yǒu zhe qiáng liè de jī dū jiào fēng qì


      That was a church school with a strong Christian ethos.

    • wǒ men xué xiào shì qīng jiào tú shì de fēng qì xiǎn dé hěn yā yì


      The atmosphere at our school was oppressively puritanical.

Word usage

  • Note
    "风气" is different from "风俗". "风气" refers to the prevailing fashion; "风俗" refers to the custom formed over time.

Chinese words with pinyin feng qi