gāng lǐng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.(of governments, parties, mass organizations) goals to be achieved and measures to be taken within a certain period

    • wǒ men bì xū zūn xún xíng dòng gāng lǐng


      We must follow the action programme.

    • zhè shì wǒ men de gòng tóng gāng lǐng


      This is our common programme.

    • zuì gāo gāng lǐng shì shén me


      What is the maximum programme?

  • 2

    n.guiding principle; creed

    • tā tí chū le gāng lǐng xìng fāng àn


      He put forward the programmatic plan.

    • zhè fèn gāng lǐng xìng wén jiàn hěn zhòng yào


      This programmatic document is very important.

    • shuí tí chū le zhè ge gāng lǐng xìng jì huà


      Who proposed this programmatic plan?

Word usage

  • "纲领" is often matched with measure word "条"or"个".
    • 纲领

      one guiding principle

    • 纲领

      one guiding principle

Chinese words with pinyin gang ling