guān bīng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.officers and man

    • chǔ lǐ guān bīng guān xi


      handle the relationship between officers and the rank and file

    • yī zhī liǎng qiān duō guān bīng de duì wǔ


      a force of over two thousand officers and men

  • 2

    n.datedgovernment troops

    • guān bīng bù pèi dài rèn hé biǎo míng jūn jiē huò suǒ shǔ dān wèi de fú hào


      Neither officer nor soldier wore any insignia showing either rank or unit.

    • guān bīng fàng xià wǔ qì fēn xiǎng pú táo jiǔ hé shí wù


      Officers and soldiers put down their weapons to share wine and food.

Word usage

  • "官兵" is often matched with measure word "个"or"名"or"队".
    • 官兵

      one soldier

    • 官兵

      one soldier

    • 官兵

      one group of soldiers