
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.celebrate a festival or holiday; observe a festival

    • guò jié hòu wǒ men jiù kāi shǐ zuò xīn de gōng zuò


      After the festival, we'll start doing new work.

    • zhǔn bèi guò jié


      prepare to celebrate a festival

    • jīn tiān wǒ men guò jié


      We celebrate a festival today.

  • 2

    n.after the festivities; indicating the completion of such celebrations

    • zhè jiàn shì děng guò jié hòu zài shuō


      This matter will be discussed after the festival.

Word usage

  • "过" and "节" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 大家工作岗位

      After the festival, everyone went back to work.

    • 我们讨论

      We'll discuss the matter after the festival.

    • 明天我们一起

      Our two families will celebrate the festival together tomorrow.

Chinese words with pinyin guo jie