hòu mén

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.back door (or gate) of a house (or compound)

    • zhǎn guǎn de hòu mén jiù shì dì tiě zhàn


      There is an underground station at the back door of the exhibition hall.

    • wū zi de hòu mén


      back door of a house

    • tā zhǎo dào le jù chǎng hòu mén suǒ zài de xiǎo xiàng


      She found the side alley where the stage door was located.

  • 2

    n.metabackdoorism; backdoor (or backstairs) influence; clout for accommodation or malpractice

    • zài wù zī jǐn quē shí dài yǒu shí lián shēng huó bì xū pǐn dōu xū yào kào zǒu hòu mén huò dé


      During eras of material shortages, sometimes even daily necessities have to be obtained by relying on back door influence.

    • yǒu xiē dì fang zǒu hòu mén chéng fēng


      Backdoor deals had been common in some places.

    • kāi hòu mén


      create backdoors

Word usage

  • "后门" is often matched with measure word "个"or"扇".
    • 后门

      one back door

    • 后门

      one back door