huà qīng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.make a clear distinction; draw a clear line of demarcation; distinguish

    • huà qīng liǎng lèi máo dùn


      make a clear distinction between two types of contradiction

    • tóng fēng jiàn zhǔ yì sī xiǎng huà qīng jiè xiàn


      make a clean break with feudal thought

    • huà qīng shì fēi


      make a clear distinction between right and wrong

    • ài qíng hé yǒu qíng zhī jiān de jiè xiàn nán yǐ huà qīng


      It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship.

Word usage

  • "划" and "清" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 问题界限?

      Can you draw a clear line between these two types of issues?

    • 总是是非界限

      I can't always make a clear distinction between right and wrong.

Chinese words with pinyin hua qing