huǒ shāo méi mao

Chinese dictionary
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  • infmlimminent danger or pressing situation; a desperate situation; the fire is singeing the eyebrows

    • zhēn shi huǒ shāo méi mao yǎn xià jí


      It's extremely urgent.

    • zhè shì huǒ shāo méi mao de shì yī kè dōu bù róng chí huǎn


      This matter is extremely urgent. It cannot be delayed for a moment.

    • fā shēng le huǒ shāo méi mao de shì


      A matter of the utmost urgency appear.

    • shì qing yǐ jīng huǒ shāo méi mao wǒ men bù néng zài àn bù jiù bān le


      Now that we've been plunged into an utmost urgency, we mustn't cling to the conventional any more.