jiǎn jiè

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.brief introduction; synopsis; summarized account; summary

    • nǎ lǐ yǒu jù jí jiǎn jiè


      Where is the synopsis of a drama?

    • zhè shì gāi shū de jiǎn jiè


      This is the brief introduction to the book.

    • zhè shì shǒu xiàng de píng shēng jiǎn jiè


      This is a biographical sketch of the prime minister.

  • 2

    v.introduce briefly

Word usage

  • "简介" is often matched with measure word "个"or"段"or"份".
    • 简介

      one brief introduction

    • 简介

      one brief introduction

    • 简介

      one brief introduction