
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.general; admiral

    • zhè shì yī wèi hǎo jiāng jūn


      This is a good general.

    • tā zhōng yú chéng wéi jiāng jūn le


      He finally became a general.

    • jiāng jūn jié lì bì miǎn yǔ dí jūn jiāo huǒ


      The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy.

  • 2

    v.check (in chess)

    • zhè chǎng qí sài tā bèi jiāng jūn hòu jié jié kuì bài


      In the chess match, he was checked and routed one after another.

  • 3

    v.metaembarrass; put somebody on the spot; challenge; baffle

    • wǒ bèi tā men jiāng jūn le yāo qiú dāng zhe dà jiā de miàn chàng gē


      I was put on the spot and was asked to sing in front of everyone.

  • 4

    n.high-ranking military officer

    • duì wu li de jiāng jūn men dōu hěn lì hai


      The high-ranking military officers in the team are very good.

Word usage

  • "将" and "军" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He checked me three times in a row, and I lost the game.

    • 突然开口

      She suddenly spoke up and put me in a dilemma.

    • 当众表演舞蹈

      He challenged me to perform a dance in public.

  • "将军" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位"or"名".
    • 将军

      one general

    • 将军

      one general

    • 将军

      one general