jiào yì

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.fmlbenefit gained from somebody's wisdom

    • xī wàng dà jiā tí chū pī píng shǐ wǒ men néng gòu dé dào jiào yì


      We welcome criticism from everyone so that we may benefit from it.

    • cóng tán huà zhōng shòu dào jiào yì


      benefit from a talk

    • zhè chǎng yáo gǔn yīn yuè huì zhēn ràng wǒ fù mǔ dà shòu jiào yì


      The rock concert was quite an education for my parents!

    • tā de tán huà fù yǒu jiào yì lìng rén gǔ wǔ


      His talk was both instructive and inspirational.

    • nǐ men zhēn ài wǒ de huà bì shēn shòu jiào yì


      Value my words, and you shall have instruction.