jié jìng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.short way to quickly reach one's destination or goal

    • lìng pì jié jìng


      seek another short cut

    • wèi le tí gāo jìng zhēng lì tā men zhī fù le dī gōng zī bìng zài jiàn kāng hé ān quán fāng miàn zǒu jié jìng


      To be competitive, they paid low wages and cut corners on health and safety.

    • wǒ men zhōng yú shǐ tā rèn shi dào chéng gōng zhī lù wú jié jìng kě zǒu


      We have at last awaken him to the fact that there's no easy way to success.

  • 2


    • rào yuǎn lù fǎn jìn jié jìng cháng wù rén


      The longest way round is the nearest way home.

    • zǒu jié jìng duì nǐ shì yè de fā zhǎn méi hǎo chu


      Taking the soft option won’t help your career to develop.

Word usage

  • "捷径" is often matched with measure word "个"or"条".
    • 捷径

      one shortcut

    • 捷径

      one shortcut