jiè guāng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.polexcuse me; ask for help

    • jiè guāng bǎi huò gōng sī zài nǎ r ne


      Excuse me, where is the department store?

    • jiè guāng qǐng ràng lù


      Please make way for me.

    • qǐng jiè guāng nǐ dǎng zhe wǒ jiù kàn bù jiàn le


      Move out of the way, please. I can not see through you!

  • 2

    v.receive help from others; benefit from something or somebody's influence, efforts, etc.

Word usage

  • "借" and "光" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 这里参观

      It’s all thanks to him that I can come here to visit.

    • 一下

      Excuse me. Could I get past please?