
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.surmount; overcome

    • fēi jī yào kè fú kōng qì zǔ lì


      An aircraft has to overcome the resistance of the air.

    • kè fú shuì yì shì fēi cháng kùn nan de


      It is difficult to fight down a desire to sleep.

    • tā bù dé bù kè fú yán zhòng de shēn tǐ cán jí


      She has had to surmount immense physical disability.

  • 2


    • wǒ men wèi le shēng cún bù dé bù kè fú è liè de huán jìng


      We have to restrain the bad environment in order to survive.

    • zhè lǐ tiáo jiàn bù tài hǎo qǐng dà jiā kè fú yī xià


      The condition here are not very good. Please put up with it for a while.

    • nǐ zài lù yíng shí bì xū yào kè fú xǔ duō bù biàn


      There are many inconveniences that you have to put up with when you are camping.