
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.background; history; source; antecedent

    • tā mǎ shàng yì shí dào zhè lǎo tóu r yī dìng yǒu xiē lái lì


      She immediately realized that the old guy had a long story behind him.

    • rì zi cháng le wǒ cái zhī dào tā zhè ge wài hào de lái lì


      It was only after a long time that I understood where her nickname came from.

    • tā jué de tā méi bì yào guò wèn zhè bǐ qián de lái lì


      He felt there is no need for him to ask where the money came from.

    • chá míng mǒu rén de lái lì


      ascertain a person's antecedents

    • lái lì jiǎn dān


      be of simple background

    • nà jiā huo tūn tūn tǔ tǔ de shuō chū le tā gē ge de lái lì


      Stammering, that guy spilled out his bother's story.

    • lái lì bù míng de rén


      a person of dubious background

Word usage

  • "来历" is often matched with measure word "些"or"段"or"番".
    • 来历

      some background

    • 来历

      one period of background

    • 来历

      one background