lǎo yé zi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.dialmy old father; your old father

    • lǎo yé zi yī zhí dào xià wǔ dōu zài xiǎng zhè jiàn shì qing


      My old father had pondered the question until afternoon.

  • 2

    n.dialresp(respectful form of address for an elderly man)

    • měi dào zhōu mò cūn dōng tóu dū huì yǒu yī qún lǎo yé zi zài nà xià xiàng qí


      Every weekend, a group of old men play chess in the east of the village.

Word usage

  • "老爷子" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位".
    • 老爷子

      one old man

    • 老爷子

      one old man