lí duì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.leave one's post; leave the ranks

    • yǒu liǎng míng zú qiú yùn dòng yuán lí duì le


      Two footballers left the team.

    • bù kě yǐ shàn zì lí duì


      should not leave one's post without authorisation

    • yīn shāng lí duì liǎng nián hòu tā yòu guī duì le


      After two years out with injury, he's back on the team.

Word usage

  • "离" and "队" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 因为受伤

      He left the team because of his injury last week.

    • 战争

      He has left the ranks once in the war.

    • 因为战斗负伤

      It was because of the injury caused by the fight that I left the team.