lùn zhèng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.proof; demonstration

    • nǐ zài lùn zhèng zhōng sì hū lüè qù le hǎo jǐ gè bù zhòu


      You seem to have jumped several steps in the argument.

    • wǒ hěn xīn shǎng tā de lùn zhèng yán cí qīng xī qiě yǒu tiáo lǐ


      I admire the clear, logical presentation of her arguments.

    • wǒ zhù yì dào tā de lùn zhèng zhōng yǒu jǐ chù xiǎo máo dùn


      I noticed a few minor inconsistencies in her argument.

  • 2

    v.expound and prove

    • jīng guò le diào chá lùn zhèng zōng hé yán jiū wǒ men què dìng le jù tǐ cuò shī


      We worked out specific measures after investigation and comprehensive analysis.

    • wén zhāng lùn zhèng le gǎi gé de bì yào


      The article proves the necessity of the reform.

    • nǐ de lùn wén méi yǒu lùn zhèng shí zhì wèn tí


      Your essay does not address the real issues.

  • 3

    n.argumentation; evidence; grounds of argument

    • zhè piān wén zhāng zhōng de lùn zhèng dé dào dà jiā de zàn tóng


      The article's argument has gained all of our approval.

Word usage

  • "论证" is often matched with measure word "种".
    • 论证

      one kind of argument

Chinese words with pinyin lun zheng