
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.relieve somebody of his post; remove/dismiss somebody from office

    • tā yīn wán hū zhí shǒu bèi miǎn zhí


      He has been dismissed from office because of his dereliction of duty.

    • yóu yú tān wū ér bèi miǎn zhí


      be removed from office due to corruption

    • tā bèi miǎn zhí hòu guò zhe pín qióng de shēng huó


      He lived a poor life after his deposition.

Word usage

  • Note
    "免职" is different from "撤职". "撤职" is mostly due to mistakes; "免职" is not necessarily due to that.
  • "免" and "职" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He was removed from office.

    • 后来复职

      He was removed from office once and then got reinstated.

    • 听说

      I heard that he was once removed from office, too.