mò zhōng yī shì

Chinese dictionary
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  • fmlunable to agree; unable to agree or decide which is right:

    • jī liè de zhēng lùn hòu tā men réng rán mò zhōng yī shì


      After a heated debate they were still poles apart/they still couldn't reach consensus.

    • duì yú zhè ge wèn tí dà jiā mò zhōng yī shì


      Opinions are quite divided on this question.

    • jiū jìng shuí duì shuí cuò rén men mò zhōng yī shì


      People have very different opinions about who is right and who is wrong.

    • zhè xiē shuō fa wǎng wǎng mò zhōng yī shì


      The many different accounts often disagree.

    • guān yú chuàng zuò fāng fǎ jiǎn zhí shì mò zhōng yī shì


      With regard to the creative method, everyman has his own views.