pán xuán

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.hover; spiral; wheel; circle around

    • xiǎo niǎo zài shù shàng kōng pán xuán


      The birds circled above the trees.

    • gōng lù yán zhe shān lù pán xuán ér shàng


      The highroad winds up the mountainside.

    • yīng zài tóu dǐng shàng pán xuán xún zhǎo liè wù


      Hawks wheeled overhead looking for prey.

  • 2

    v.hang on; dawdle; linger

    • tā zài yuàn zi lǐ pán xuán le hěn jiǔ


      She lingered in the courtyard for a long time.

    • yīn yuè huì jié shù hòu hěn zhǎng shí jiān yǒu de rén hái zài dà tīng lǐ pán xuán


      Some people were lingering round the hall long after the concert had ended.

    • tā zài gōng yuán pán xuán le hěn jiǔ shě bu de lí kāi


      He lingered in the for a long time and was reluctant to leave.