pī tóu gài liǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • slright in the face; a vicious assault on a person; direct to one's head and face; give (a blow) direct in the face

    • jì zhě men pī tóu gài liǎn xiàng tā tí chū xǔ duō wèn tí


      The reporters fired a volley of questions at her.

    • mì mi má má de yī dà qún cāng ying cháo wǒ pī tóu gài liǎn de fēi guò lai


      Flies by the zillions engulfed me in dense clouds.

    • mā ma gāng cái pī tóu gài liǎn de gěi le tā yī tōng chòu mà


      Mum has just given him a good scolding right to his face.

    • dà yǔ pī tóu gài liǎn de xià le qǐ lai


      The rain started pelting down.

    • wǒ gāng dào tā jiù pī tóu gài liǎn de pī píng qǐ wǒ lái


      She started pitching into me as soon as I arrived.

Word usage

  • Note
    "劈头盖脸 is often used to modify words such as"骂", "训斥", "打" .