qiú shén

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.ask for blessings from god; seek god's guidance

    • tā pǎo qù zhè dào qiáng zhǎo yǎn hù hé qiú shén bì yòu


      He ran to that wall for shelter and prayed.

    • rén men gòng fèng jì pǐn yǐ qiú shén xī nù


      Sacrifices were made to propitiate the gods.

Word usage

  • "求" and "神" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • She went to the temple to pray to God.

    • 因为什么

      Why did he seek the blessing of the gods?

    • I have sought the blessing of the gods and worshiped to Buddha.