
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1


    • bà ba yòng quán tou zòu le ér zi yī dùn


      The father gave his son a beating with his fist.

    • zhè ge nán shēng huàng huàng quán tou biǎo shì bù fú


      The boy shook his fist in a symbolic gesture of defiance.

    • zhè ge fèn nù de tóng xué kāi shǐ huī qǐ quán tou dǎ wǒ


      This angry classmate started swinging at me with his fists.

  • 2

    adj.meta(a product, technology, etc.) with high quality and strong competitiveness

    • fàng shè zhì liáo kē shì zhè jiā yī yuàn de quán tou kē shì zhī yī


      Radiation and oncology is one of this hospitals most effective departments.

    • quán tou chǎn pǐn


      competitive product

Word usage

  • "拳头" is often matched with measure word "个"or"记"or"对".
    • 拳头

      one fist

    • 拳头

      one fist

    • 拳头

      one pair of fists