sǎn jià

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.fall apart; fall into pieces

    • wū zi sǎn jià le


      The house fell apart.

    • mǎ chē bèi zhuàng de sǎn jià le


      The carriage was smashed to pieces.

    • bié zài zhuāng le chē kuài sǎn jià le


      Don't put any more on the car, or it'll break.

  • 2

    v.metadissolve; disband

    • zhè ge xiǎo zǔ yào bu shì nǐ men dǐng zhe zǎo jiù sǎn jià le


      This group would have broken up long ago had it not been for your support.

    • zhè ge hé chàng tuán sǎn jià le


      The choir has broken up.

Word usage

  • "散" and "架" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 农活儿身体好像

      After doing the farm work, he immediately felt as if all his limbs were out of joint.

Chinese words with pinyin san jia