shāng pǐn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.goods; merchandise; wares

    • jí shǐ shāng pǐn zhì liàng hǎo yě bù néng màn tiān yào jià


      Even quality goods must have a price ceiling.

    • chāo shì lǐ de shāng pǐn lín láng mǎn mù


      The supermarket is full of goods.

    • shāng pǐn duī zài cāng kù zhōng rèn yóu sǔn huǐ


      The goods lie wasting in the warehouse.

  • 2

    n.commodity; product of labour produced for exchange, having the dual character of use value and exchange value, and embodying different relations of production under different social systems

Word usage

  • "商品" is often matched with measure word "个"or"件".
    • 商品

      one commodity

    • 商品

      one commodity

Chinese words with pinyin shang pin