shàng shēng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.move upward

    • méi yǒu fēng de huà yān jiù bǐ zhí de shàng shēng


      The smoke rose straight up in the still air.

    • yān zài tiān kōng zhōng niǎo niǎo shàng shēng


      The smoke ascends slowly to the sky.

  • 2

    v.increase; rise; ascend (to a higher point, degree, rank, etc.)

    • rén mín de zhèng zhì jué wù tí gāo le shēng chǎn lì jiù shàng shēng le


      Production will go up when people's political consciousness improves.

    • hú pō shuǐ wèi chí xù shàng shēng


      The level of the lake continues to rise.

    • zhè shǒu gē zài pái háng bǎng shàng shēng le liǎng wèi


      The song rises two places on the chart.

Chinese words with pinyin shang sheng