
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.undertaking; cause; career

    • shàng dà xué shì fǒu wéi nǐ de shì yè dǎ xià le liáng hǎo jī chǔ


      Was going to college a good preparation for your career?

    • fū fù liǎ zài gè zì suǒ xuǎn zé de shì yè shàng dōu hěn chéng gōng


      Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers.

    • tā de shì yè suí zhe tā sǐ yú ái zhèng ér zhōng duàn


      His career was cut short when he succumbed to cancer.

  • 2

    n.(as compared with "enterprise") organization, society, foundation, etc., subsidized by the state; institution; facilities

    • gōng yòng shì yè


      public utilities

    • cí shàn shì yè


      charity institutions

Word usage

  • "事业" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 事业

      one career