
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.lose one's job; be out of work

    • shī yè dài lái de yī dà è guǒ shì fàn zuì lǜ shàng shēng


      One of the by-products of unemployment is an increase in crime.

    • shī yè huì duì gōng zuò chǎn shēng xiāo jí tài du


      Being unemployed produces negative attitudes to work.

    • zhèng fǔ chí chí wèi jiě jué shī yè wèn tí


      The government has been dilatory in dealing with the problem of unemployment.

    • shī yè jī jīn


      unemployment fund

    • zào chéng shī yè


      cause unemployment

    • shī yè gōng rén


      unemployed worker

Word usage

  • "失" and "业" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 因为经济景气

      He lost his job because of the economic downturn.

    • 年轻时候

      I once lost my job when I was young.

    • 一样

      He is out of work like me.