shuǎ huá

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.act in a slick way

    • tōu lǎn de xué shēng wèi le táo xué kě néng huì shuǎ huá


      A lazy student, in order to play truant, may play fox.

    • shuǎ huá shuí bù huì


      Who is unable to act in a slick way?

Word usage

  • "耍" and "滑" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 多少我们清楚

      We all know how many times you tried to shirk your responsibilities.

    • 大家监督

      If everyone supervises him, he can't play tricks.

    • She never acted in a slick way.