sōng sǎn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    adj.(of structure) loose; porous; not compact

    • tā men de lián xì hěn sōng sǎn


      They have loose association.

    • wén zhāng jié gòu sōng sǎn


      The article is loosely organized.

    • duǎn xìn zài jié gòu shang fēi cháng sōng sǎn


      texting is very loose in its structure.

  • 2

    adj.inattentive; slack; undisciplined

    • tā xī wàng zuǒ yì lì liàng xíng chéng yī ge sōng sǎn de lián méng


      He wants a loose coalition of leftwing forces.

    • zhè xiē yán tǎo huì yě bǐ jiào sōng sǎn suí yì


      These are loose, unstructured affairs.

    • yì yuán men pēng jī guǎn lǐ de sōng sǎn hé pàn duàn de shī wù


      MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment.

  • 3

    v.relax; take one's ease

    • dào wài bian sōng sǎn sōng sǎn


      relax in the outside

Word usage

  • "松散" can be reduplicated, for example: "松松散散","松散松散".
    • 影片情节演员演技蹩脚透顶

      The film had a weak plot and the acting was awful.

    • 咱们出去松散松散

      Let's go out for a breath of air.