Chinese dictionary
slas far apart as heaven and earth; a world of difference
One of the brothers is diligent and the other is lazy, and there is really a world of difference between them.
There's a world of difference between the two.
There is a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world.
jié rán bù tóng截然不同dà xiāng jìng tíng大相径庭qiān chā wàn bié千差万别tiān yuān zhī bié天渊之别tiān táng dì yù天堂地狱tiān chā dì yuǎn天差地远yún ní zhī bié云泥之别tiān dì zhī biè天地之别xiāo rǎng zhī bié霄壤之别tiān xuán dì gé天悬地隔yī lóng yì zhū一龙一猪tiān rǎng zhī gé天壤之隔bù chì tiān yuān不啻天渊tiān yuān zhī gé天渊之隔tiān chā dì bié天差地别hé chì tiān rǎng何啻天壤tiān guān dì jù天冠地屦tiān rǎng xuán gé天壤悬隔