
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(often of family members after a separation) reunite; come or join together

    • zuó tiān wǎn shang tā hé tā de zǐ nǚ tuán jù le


      Last night, he was reunited with his children.

    • shèng dàn jié shì tuán jù de rì zi


      Christmas is a time of reunion.

    • tā kě wàng zhe huí jiā yǔ qīn rén tuán jù


      He ached to be home with his loved ones.

  • 2

    v.gather; assemble; rally

    • tuán jù qiān qiān wàn wàn de mín zhòng


      gather thousands of masses

Word usage

  • Note
    "团聚" is different from "聚会". "团聚" mainly refers to being separated or reunited after a long separation, and is mostly used among relatives; "聚会" refers to gathering and reunion, generally used for friends, classmates, etc.